Kevin Barrick
Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult
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- Member Since
Mar 2020
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
19 October
- Profession
Kevin Barrick is an author from Kings Mountain, NC. He started writing early on in life, finishing his first unpublished novel around the age of 13. Since then, he's sharpened his skills through writing groups at local libraries, exploring poetry and non-fiction, and mastering his breakthrough novel. He has several works in progress at a time, always wanting to bring only the best to his readers.
His first book, Creativity Brewing, is an expression of his versatility in writing. In a collection of 30 tales of flash fiction, he explores several genres, styles, and ideas. Each story was limited to less than 1,000 words, each carefully crafted to enrapture his readers and driving them to follow him as he continues writing novellas, novels, and other collections.